Lying off the north-western coast of the European mainland, The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy with a parliament democracy. United Kingdom is a developed country and has the world’s 5th largest economy by nominal GDP and ninth-largest economy by purchasing power parity. UK maintains this leading position by creating a range of highly attractive conditions for business and investment opportunities.

  • Tax benefits: The Corporate Tax Rate in the United Kingdom stands at 19 percent. Partnerships can be exempt for paying taxes in the UK.
  • Less risks: United Kingdom is a developed country and has the world’s 5th largest economy by nominal GDP.
  • Banking facilities: The biggest world banks are represented in the UK.
  • Fast and easy procedures: Modern and efficient public administration and excellent infrastructure.
  • Benefits: According to World Bank, the UK has one of the highest ease of doing business scores out of all the countries in the world, strong infrastructure to the overall growth of your business. UK has super manageable tax, finance and legal regulations.
Types of UK companies:
  • Private Company Limited by Shares (LTD): Company can be set up with only one shareholder and same person can be the director. Minimum share capital can be only 1£. Incorporation takes only 24h, but in approximately one week you will have a UK limited company with a prestigious registered office address in London, a secretary and full set of corporate documents certified.
  • Limited Liability Partnership (LLP): Might be a good solution for investors who wish to enjoy the benefits of low or no-taxation and still keep the prestige of being incorporated in the UK. LLP must have at least two, formally appointed, designated members. Any person or legal entity can be a partner in a UK LLP. The essential feature of LLP in UK is tax status of a partnership, where corporate taxes are passed through to its members, to be taxed in the country of their residence.
  • Public Limited Company (PLC): Before a PLC can start business, it must have allotted shares to the total value of at least £50,000. It is combination of two concepts – it is a public company whose shareholders are responsible for the company’s financial liabilities to the extent of their investment.

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