Cyprus is an island country in the Eastern Mediterranean and the third largest and third most populous island in the Mediterranean. Cyprus is undoubtedly the jurisdiction that is strategically in Europe but on the other hand has strong connections with the countries of the Middle East and Africa. Cyprus is a member of the European Community, a member of the United Nations, the Commonwealth, the World Bank and International Monetary Fund.

  • Tax benefits: Corporate tax rate is 12.5%. Cyprus has double tax treaties with more than 50 countries and is presently negotiating with other countries in order to extend its double taxation network.
  • Less risks: English based legal and trust system
  • Banking facilities: Cyprus has a robust and effectively supervised banking system.
  • Fast and easy procedures: The work force consists of a high proportion of qualified, professional staff who are fluent in foreign languages (mainly English).
Types of Cypriot companies
  • Private Company Limited by Shares: For registering a private limited company you will need a minimum share capital of EUR 1.000. Only one person can own a company, but it can’t have more than 50 shareholders. It is highly recommended to have a local resident as a director of the company to be taxed with favorable Cyprus regime.
  • Trust: We can set-up different types of Trusts. Depending on your needs we can form Discretionary, Fixed or Trading Trust. Trustees are allowed to set various interests under the Trust form, and they can have more flexibility than the limited company. The beneficiaries usually cannot be taxed on the trust funds.

    Our services are designed for individuals and business owners considering expansion projects in foreign markets.

    We will clarify and summarize complex issues so you can enjoy hassle-free and successful procedure.

    Regardless of the industry you are operative, trading company, service provider, or a manufacturer, you can turn to us for a professional advice and assistance.

    1100 H Street NW,
    Suite 840 Washington,
    District of Columbia 20005, USA
    Tel: +1 (202) 350-9293