E-commerce refers to the process of buying or selling products or services over the Internet. Online shopping is becoming increasingly popular because of speed and ease of use for customers.

E-commerce activities such as selling online can be directed at consumers or other businesses. Business to Consumer (B2C) involves the online sales of goods, services and provision of information directly to consumers. Business to Business (B2B) refers to the online selling of products, services, or information between businesses.

Selling online can help your business reach new markets and increase your sales and revenues. If you are interested in selling to other businesses, you can use the Internet to find sales leads, announce calls for tender and offer products for sale either through your own website or through an e-marketplace site.

Searching for products and services online can save you time and money by allowing you to find the best prices without having to do all the legwork. You can use the Internet to find new suppliers, post buying requests or search for products and services. Online trading networks can also be used to support efficient information exchange between buyers and sellers.

Benefits self-sosted e-commerce platforms

  • Efficiency – Quickly create large amounts of high-quality content at low cost
  • Top search engine ranking for your website
  • More visitors to your site and longer dwell time
  • Improve your conversion rate
  • Reduction of the return rate
  • Stand out from the competition
  • Numerous services in all major languages from one source
  • Quality assured results
  • Scaleable throughput
  • Flexible workforce
  • API connection
  • Managed Service as well as Self Service options

Our e-commerce services

Store design

Consider whether you are ready to design your own store (using a template) or whether you will need professional assistance to design the store. Many of the design templates are relatively easy to use, but may not be a good option for you if your time is limited. Licensed software packages may include online technical support and step-by-step guidance to help you with design.

Product catalogue

Check to see how many products the online catalogue is able to manage. Consider how easy it is to add products and to upload an existing product database.

Security features

Secure Socket Layer (SSL), password protection, access privileges for site administration, data centre security, risk tools that can help flag fraudulent orders, etc.

Website analytics and reporting features

They can help you keep track of your sales, pages viewed by customers, referring sites and keywords customers use to find your product.

Product Descriptions

Unique, search engine optimized product descriptions that make each of your product pages the optimal landing page for users and search engines.

Search Relevance

Evaluation of the results of search requests via the internal search function of your store based on relevance of the search term entered to optimize the stored algorithms and the usability of your store.

Product Data Management

The extraction of product data from templates such as image files, PDFs or print catalogs, to ensure that the product information in your store is always up to date and your customers are provided with the information they need to make their purchase decision.

Order processing

The service provider or software package may provide a number of ordering features such as viewing new orders by email, online, or fax, automatic notification to customers alerting them to any changes in the status of orders, etc.

Shopping cart

Shopping carts vary considerably. Features may include progress indicators to help customers understand where they are in the transaction process, automatic calculation of tax and shipping, customizable design and layout.

Payment processing options

Third party payment processing, merchant account, cheques, money orders, debit card, RFID. Applying the RFID (radio frequency identification) technique in e-commerce logistics can raise the efficiency of the e-commerce logistics operating process and can monitor the whole logistics management process in a dynamic way.

Search Relevance

Evaluation of the results of search requests via the internal search function of your store based on relevance of the search term entered to optimize the stored algorithms and the usability of your store.

Integration with Back-Office business processes

If e-commerce is a critical part of your business, you may want more advanced integration features that link your e-commerce to your regular business operations (inventory, ordering, shipping, accounting).

Product promotion

Features can include discounts or coupons, gift certificates, discount pricing, volume pricing, autoresponders (automatically sends out offers by e-mail). Some packages offer cross-selling functions (e.g. similar or complementary products are recommended when the user selects a product).

Affiliate marketing module

A low cost way to advertise is through an affiliate program. Affiliates advertise your store on their website and they earn a commission on each sale they generate. All traffic, sales and earnings are tracked by the system.

Secure server

The secure server helps provide protection against the loss or modification of personal information. This makes it very difficult for third parties to decode any information exchanged such as credit card numbers. A Digital Certificate is an electronic ID that helps to show the credibility of a website.

Level of support

Consider what level of support you will require. Will you need support 24/7?

    Our services are designed for individuals and business owners considering expansion projects in foreign markets.

    We will clarify and summarize complex issues so you can enjoy hassle-free and successful procedure.

    Regardless of the industry you are operative, trading company, service provider, or a manufacturer, you can turn to us for a professional advice and assistance.

    1100 H Street NW,
    Suite 840 Washington,
    District of Columbia 20005, USA
    Tel: +1 (202) 350-9293
